>>其实可以使用string.template类来实现上面的替换>>> from string impor">


假如有个任务: 给定一个字符串,通过查询字典,来替换给定字符中的变量。如果使用通常的方法:

>>> "this is a %(var)s" % {"var":"dog"}
'this is a dog'


>>> from string import template
>>> words = template("this is $var")
>>> print(words.substitute({"var": "dog"}))    # 通过字典的方式来传参
this is dog
>>> print(words.substitute(var="dog"))         # 通过关键字方式来传参
this is dog

在创建template实例时,在字符串格式中,可以使用两个美元符来代替$,还可以用${}将 变量扩起来,这样的话,变量后面还可以接其他字符或数字,这个使用方式很像shell或者perl里面的语言。下面以letter模板来示例一下:

>>> from string import template
>>> letter = """dear $customer,
... i hope you are having a great time!
... if you do not find room $room to your satisfaction, let us know.
... please accept this $$5 coupon.
...                 sincerely,
...                 $manager,
...                 ${name}inn"""
>>> template = template(letter)
>>> letter_dict = {"name": "sleepy", "customer": "fred smith", "manager": "tom smith", "room": 308}
>>> print(template.substitute(letter_dict))
dear fred smith,
i hope you are having a great time!
if you do not find room 308 to your satisfaction, let us know.
please accept this $5 coupon.
                tom smith,


>>> locals()         # 刚进入时,没有其他变量
{'__builtins__': , '__name__': '__main__', '__doc__': none, '__package__': none}
>>> name = "alice"   # 创建本地变量name 
>>> age = 18         # 创建本地变量age
>>> locals()         # 再执行locals()函数就可以看到name, age的键值队
{'name': 'alice', '__builtins__': , 'age': 18, '__package__': none, '__name__': '__mai
__', '__doc__': none}
>>> locals()["name"] # 通过键name来获取值
>>> locals()["age"]  # 通过键age来获取值


>>> from string import template
>>> msg = template("the square of $number is $square")
>>> for number in range(10):
...     square = number * number
...     print msg.substitute(locals())
the square of 0 is 0
the square of 1 is 1
the square of 2 is 4
the square of 3 is 9


>>> from string import template
>>> msg = template("the square of $number is $square")
>>> for i in range(4):
...     print msg.substitute(number=i, square=i*i)
the square of 0 is 0
the square of 1 is 1
the square of 2 is 4
the square of 3 is 9


>>> from string import template
>>> msg = template("the square of $number is $square")
>>> for number in range(4):
...     print msg.substitute(locals(), square=number*number)
the square of 0 is 0
the square of 1 is 1
the square of 2 is 4
the square of 3 is 9


>>> from string import template
>>> msg = template("it is $adj $msg")
>>> adj = "interesting"
>>> print(msg.substitute(locals(), msg="message"))
it is interesting message

